
turn yourself into a pixar character

49ers Fan Wears Swimcap, Goggles During Rainy Game, Dad Approves

son wears cap and goggles to raining game


Credit: Twitter/NFL

They say you're not supposed to be friends with your kids. They say parenting comes first, and the need to discipline your children and raise good people requires a level of authority and respect that doesn't always jibe with friendship. But man is it fun to be friends with your kids. Just ask the dad who took his kid to the 49ers game last week.

On Sunday, San Francisco got beat by the Colts, 30-18, during a game that was frequently wet. The 49ers' stadium sits by a river, and the fans are used to the moisture often factoring in. One young kid was so used to it that he made sure to dress for the occasion, with his father's blessing, and now the duo has received a bit of fame thanks to that teen's dedication and sense of humor.

16-year-old Conor Parish was captured on television sitting in the stands shirtless, wearing a swim cap and goggles, as the rain came down, and his photo was shared by the NFL's official Twitter account:

He came prepared 😂

— NFL (@NFL) October 25, 2021

Conor attended the game with his dad, who was all-in on his son's wardrobe choice. The SFGate even reported that Connor's dad, Dan, went to the store to get a snorkel for his son to wear (Dad vetoed his son's pool noodle idea), but was unable to find one, so the teenager stuck with the simple yet effective googles and swim cap look.

The would-be Michael Phelps didn't enter the stadium that way, so during the came he conferred with his father about when he should bust out his costume. After Dad suggested he should wait for the next big rainfall, which happened in the second off, right after the elder Parish went off to get food for everyone. When he returned, his son had made the wardrobe change.

"I came down and he was all dressed up, shirt off, ready to party," Dan said, laughing.

San Francisco in October isn't exactly balmy, which plenty of people pointed out as they raced to take photos with Connor, but like many teens, the kid was non-plussed by the chilly temperatures.

"I'm cold-blooded. I'm fine!" he said.

"He's kind of an animal when it comes to cold," his father added, surely having lost the "bring a jacket!" battle dozens of times before. This isn't the first time Connor has had the spotlight in the stands. He and his father have both worn facepaint for games, and Connor once wore a novelty 49ers necklace that 49ers legend Jerry Rice spotted and borrowed for a few photos before returning it, complete with his signature.

Unfortunately, their team lost, but that's just fine with Dad.

"It's a very memorable experience even though they lost," Parish says, chuckling again. "Heck, we'll remember this game for a long time."

turn yourself into a pixar character


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